"Harry threw his whole weight behind the sword and drove it to the hilt into the roof of the serpent's mouth.
But as warm blood drenched Harry's arm, he felt a searing pain just above his elbow."
— JKR (CS17)

by Keith James


0 5

"'And why did you want to meet me?' said Harry. Anger was coursing through him and it was an effort to keep his voice steady.
'Well, you see, Ginny told me all about you, Harry,' said Riddle. 'Your whole fascinating history.'"
— JKR (CS17)

by Agata Matteucci

1 6

“Professor McGonagall said, ‘Professor Sprout has informed me that the Mandrakes are ready for cutting at last. Tonight, we will be able to revive those people who have been Petrified”
— JKR (CS16)

by maryquiZe


1 8

"'What was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out, I'd like to know?'
'That Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets,' said Harry"
— JKR (CS15)

by Dan Waring


0 5

"My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid, on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat, when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye, friend of Hagrid.'"
— JKR (CS15)

by Min Nguen


1 9

We are in awe of this amazing of Luna and her lion hat from Mylène Villeneuve (https://t.co/pBUs9JvW1R) 😍 🦁

9 84

“‘Oh,’ he said, lowering the weapon and staring at them. ‘What’re you two doin’ here?’
‘What’s that for?’ said Harry, pointing at the crossbow as they stepped inside.
’Nothin’… nothin’…,’ Hagrid muttered”
— JKR (CS14)

by Bas Schel


0 6

We're definitely obsessing over this amazing fan art! You can find the artist on Instagram at umarts_polymerclayartist https://t.co/xAw29kLOUv

10 89

"'I don't think you meant to kill anyone. But monsters don't make good pets. I suppose you just let it out for exercise and-'
'It never killed no one!' said the large boy, backing against the closed door"
— JKR (CS13)

by Felicia Cano


0 7

"'I had to see the Headmaster, sir,' said Riddle.
'Well, hurry off to bed,' said Dumbledore, giving Riddle exactly the kind of penetrating stare Harry knew so well. 'Best not to roam the corridors these days. Not since…’"
— JKR (CS13)

by HogwartsHorror

1 10

“‘…here is your singing Valentine:
His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine, he’s really divine,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord’"
— JKR (CS13)

by HogwartsHorror

2 9

“'It was a c-cat hair!’ she howled. ‘M-Millicent Bulstrode m-must have a cat! And the P-Potion isn’t supposed to be used for animal transformation!’
‘Uh oh,’ said Ron.”
— JKR (CS12)

by Laura Freeman


1 6

"'You must have some idea who's behind it all...'
'You know I haven't, Goyle, how many times do I have to tell you?' snapped Malfoy. 'And father won't tell me anything about the last time the Chamber was opened"
— JKR (CS12)

by HogwartsHorror


0 4

This family illustration would make an incredible tattoo!
by asktheboywholived on tumblr: https://t.co/oCBp5t8dh5

11 61

“‘Yes … you were particularly difficult to place. But I stand by what I said before -‘ Harry’s heart leapt ‘you would have done well in Slytherin.’
Harry’s stomach plummeted”
— JKR (CS12)

Do they sort too soon at Hogwarts?

by Sahin Düzgün

0 9

"Malfoy raised his wand quickly and bellowed, 'Serpensortia!'
The end of his wand exploded. Harry watched, aghast, as a long black snake shot out of it, fell heavily onto the floor between them and raised itself, ready to strike"
— JKR (CS11)

by HogwartsHorror

0 6

Both of them swung their wands up and over their shoulders. Snape cried: 'Expelliarmus!' There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light and Lockhart was blasted off his feet"
— JKR (CS11)

by Ottowl


0 7