me now.... me preteen...... just saying, your girl used to be way more depressed and anxious now im on anxiety medication and i stopped giving a fuck (original picrew here

0 14

Preteen me vs me now

Went from 2 goth to 2 kawaii

0 1

preteen vs now !! i rly thought i was straight huh

0 15

Preteen (13) vs Now (23) or at least what I remember looking like

0 2

preteen hunter who didnt want to be perceived by anyone vs current hunter who always needs attention or he will Die

0 11

did the preteen me vs. current me thing

0 3

preteen me vs. current me

the joke is that I didn't age

0 2

Preteen me versus now. Once a furry always a furry as they say...

0 2

preteen me (12) vs me (27) now! mr shithead is here 😈😈😈

2 23

preteen me vs me now

i am currently transing my gender and so very, very tired

0 6

(I didn't know the person who's post I found this on very well so I'm making my own)
it counts if my hair WOULD look like that if I could safely go to a salon right?
Preteen me vs me now

0 5

preteen me vs me now

um avanço eu diria

0 1

Preteen me vs me now! Bisexual girl to Gay boy !!

0 7

preteen me vs me now literally I would slap my preteen self

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