Are you paying attention 👀

Retro is cool and we are taking over soon.

2 10

Just joined my first project with 🦆✌️

Already in love with the art, community and utilities 🚀

30 179


🏆 Prize: 1 RARE FFSMB

1⃣ Follow

2⃣ RT +❤️ +Tag Friends

⏱️ 24 Hrs

Good luck! Mint is live on!
Price is 0.1 SOL 🍔

14 28

Oh, look! DANNY is here! He must've FOMOed in after we hit 200 members! 💪

20 33

Ya'll do me a favor and upvote our new upcoming Suteki collection! We're already top 10 within 24 hours, let's keep this train rolling into the with 😎

273 531

I'm ready for in , got the Viper shades too... sweeping floors all long, or not

6 38


Want in on an early mint
DeBUDS WL Minting Opens in 10 minutes


2 4

If you're seeing this, you're early🏇👀

Interact with this tweet for early Discord Invites + Whitelist

69 83

is here! OK Bears just sending it and all these amazing 1/1 artists making their way to SOL as well.
Super excited I won the auction for this incredible piece today, absolutely love it. Going in the vault and on the wall.


1 8

have to support our people almost 50% staked!! Let’s go!!! This team is not stopping!!!

8 35

Mindfolk will bounce soon IMO. Most projects have a dip and Mindfolk is no different. I expect the FP to push towards 150 + very soon. As always DYOR and Good Luck.

8 39

GIVEAWAY TIME 😍 0.5 SOL + 1 Lucky Corgi NFT to 1 LUCKY winner!! Drawn in 12 hours.

How to enter:
Like ♥️
Retweet 🔁
Follow us ✅
Tag 3 people 💬

Good luck :D

710 757