last night i was discussing vilburs character with a friend and inspired me so bad to draw him WOO

RTS plSe

64 556

vilbur and tommy watch evangelion in heaven (click on full images)

389 3387

ms paint doodle of the sootman that got away from me

17 173

"did you miss me, tommy..?"
apparently i start all my drawings w quotes? cool
anyways take some vilbur brainrot ,, please don't mind the messiness i am so sleepy
(rts appreciated!! untag in replies!)

59 555

// bood

some revived wilbur art for you today :)

7 16

-wilbursoot has joined the game-
oh vilbur my beloved <3 the chaos this man will cause if he gets revived (tap to see the full image)

33 655

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I really need vilbur back for lore and I’m so exited about it

also white hair streaks are so pog

10 28

whatever you do, don't bring him back
our little meow meow is coming back guys

9 39

some thoughts about vilbur

/ dsmp, rp, distressing images (1/2)

0 5

trying to figure out how to draw evil block guys very difficult :0

75 650

been watching a lot of older lore vods and his recent appearance made me think of Him..... vilbur my beloved <3

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510 4005