My favorite character has got to be my Lizardfolk Warlock, Aurix. She has no concept of money, gets confused when party members act based on emotion, and is a hexblade.

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My new character! Calbarum Silversong! He's a dragonborn hexblade warlock!

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2nd member for the Stray Kids dnd au! Tiefling Warlock Han Jisung! He is a Hexblade, Pact of the Tome Warlock and likes to write poems and lyrics in the tome he received from his patron

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This is Jack, my Hexblade Warlock. He's trying out being good and making friends, but he's not great at it yet.

"I've done many cruel things in my past. I'd hate for you to make me do one to you."

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Another Tiefling Hexblade - painted up from one of yesterday’s sketches.

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Do you ever have those D&D characters that you have created, but feel like you'll never get a chance to play? I did a doodle of mine. A tiefling hexblade warlock I've been sitting on for a year now. 😅

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Boy do I love me a demon sword 😂😈 Here’s a Hexblade gal

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Did an aesthetic swap for ⁦⁦⁩ and my PCs! Meet Romanian Hexblade Montoya + Cowboy Gunslinger Del

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hey, happy birthday ! 💖

To celebrate, I drew your most excellent, sparkly, magical girl-Hexblade from Bliss. Hope you like her!

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I guess I'll start with Yeveau!
They're a non-binary tiefling hexblade warlock! They where born to two very confused human parents and despite a shitty upbringing they'd fight HARD for their friends/loved ones and like to stick up for those who can't stick up for themselves

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Just for completeness: Here is the appearance my drow warlock Halan'nar usually uses when he runs around in broad daylight. Not much love for drows in the world above.

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I just finished my newest for my new Halan'nar. He carries a cursed sentient weapon he stole from a high security archive his family protected and has been on the run ever since. Hope you like him!

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Vidar is an extra boi who is all about flare for an eclipseborn hexblade :3

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Made this last year when it wasn't Pride Season and never put it here but hey

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Trying really hard to break throught the block so I'll post some WIP to motivate myself.

Redesigning the snek Hexblade I'm playing in a DnD campaign. Just hit level 6 and she changed a bit her style and attitude, going from sly/deceptive to arrogant/domineering

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"If you got monsters that need killing, and you pay well, then I'm your man."

Drew my hexblade warlock Balthazar Silverpeak!

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Yall I cant stop doing DnD art....

This is my hexblade warlock Tybal. He's an alcoholic

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My new D&D character! His name is Bhaqull Taltal, he's a hexblade warlock who uh, never asked to be one! XD He is good boi <3 I love him much

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