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Y acabamos el por todo lo alto con este para un juego del que lamentablemente no se habla mucho y es una auténtica pasada. Si os gustan los los y la acción desenfrenda, dadle una oportunidad!

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Il n'y avait pas que des adaptations Disney sur notre chère mais aussi quelques licences venant directement de chez Warner Bros avec entre autre le sympathique Taz-Mania !

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I've made this new alien lady. I wanted one of these species to be very in tune with nature. This one is also compliant. Only 16 colors.

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Vous saviez que Psycho Fox (qui était déjà une suite spirituelle de Kid Kool) avait eu lui même une suite spirituelle sur Megadrive ?

Le renard est absent mais la physique flottante et les bras qui s'allongent son toujours là !

Bienvenue dans le très sous-coté Decap Attack ! https://t.co/MLAvht8k7h

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Swindler 🐸 playing around with colours and brushes

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¿Quién no ha deseado ser un pues en nuestras podíamos interpretar a estos famosos héroes en donde podíamos jugar hasta como Que buena época fueron los 16 bits, de eso no tengo ninguna duda!

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OMG has a game coming out. See, it's on the internet so has to be true.

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Happy 30th Anniversary to Shining in the Darkness (シャイニング&ザ・ダクネス)!!! Originally released on March 29, 1991.

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He's finally done! Glad with the final results! Took a long while but hope you all like how he came out! 😭💖💖

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Other bits of art from that era that specifically get me all *excited* when I see them is this specific Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle art with the manhole cover, and the Megadrive Sonic box art.

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The most lacking element in new MegaDrive/Genesis games is the cover artwork.

I have heaps of new releases, yet I only like 2 of the boxes!

I want to share 's profile as he is not only a good artist but a Mega Drive enthusiast:

Long live MD

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