More fan art from Touken Ranbu of my saniwa Yui. I am rather proud of how this came out. I was meaning to draw her Konnosuke since they don't all have to look the same lol.

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An excuse to draw more konnosuke and food 😂but also i havent drawn kogi in a million years and never drew naki before

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Hier soir, l'animateur Taiki Konno/ ( a publié plusieurs de ses animations-clé sur Kizu. Avalanche de RT !

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I picked Stranger to read after hearing that it was one of Naoyuki Konno's favorites. It's an adult manga inspired by John Carter of Mars.

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Saniwa and konnosuke chan..
Avaliable on size A6 prints on event early this month

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Konnosuke looked super cute with flopped ears >w<\ If only the one in game could also look this cute

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Konnosukes! I gave them nicknames

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ラーメンこんの 音更店 &
カレーのお店 KONNO さまの


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LRT was about Naoyuki Konno plans to adapt one of my favorite Ishinomori's manga, Banchou Wakusei. This illustration is the closest we got:

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[SAO FA] - Konno Yuuki
ユウキ - ソードアートオンライン

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NIKEの未来のAIR MAXをデザインするプロジェクトに友達が日本代表で参加してます!良かったら投票してください!NAOTAKA KONNOに投票しました

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¿Os imagináis a Yuuki Konno en Ordinal Scale? ~

Fanart by: .

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Fanart; Asuna Yuuki & Yuuki Konno. La OTP, DIGO.

Art by: .

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Touko (トウコ)

artist: konno tohiro

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