Lump of Sugar最新作「若葉色のカルテット」発表!!早くもマスターアップ!!原画『萌木原ふみたけ』氏のケモミミ少女☆(2019年夏に発売予定)

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Lump of Sugar様の最新作「若葉色のカルテット」原画補佐&グラフィックお手伝いさせていただいています!マスターアップ記念にソフィアちゃん描きました🌹公式サイト▶️

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Lump of Sugar最新作「若葉色のカルテット」発表!!早くもマスターアップ!!原画『萌木原ふみたけ』氏のケモミミ少女☆(2019年夏に発売予定)ニュー速VIPブログ

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the adventures of bed lump

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when you scratch behind your ear and you feel a lump

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I’m gonna add onto this by also saying that just because you don’t think someone’s voice fits a character THAT DOES NOT EQUAL BAD ACTING.

A lot of people seem to lump those together for some reason...

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I came home early from work and was a formless lump all evening until a friend told me they also left the office mid-day

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Ritsu's lump!

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It was too cold to play out of doors, so they stayed in the kitchen.

Grandma was making a pie for lunch. She gave Alfie a lump of pastry and showed him how to roll it out on a board. You had to use a sprinkling of floor underneath so it didn’t stick.

Alfie Weather

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the purest lump of coal to one of my favourite artists, Waschmittelpulver 🖤

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strump dump crump lump carly rae

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ラッセルでLump of Sugarのグッズ委託販売されるのか!!今回のコミケは何としても友人に初日行ってもらわないとー!

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So I will start:

Here is a snippet of a piece I’m working on right now—the week I was making it (last week) my doctor found a lump in my boob and “it’s probably nothing” but it’s still totally freaking me out. 2nd ultrasound on it is Tuesday since the 1st wasn’t clearly a cyst.

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"May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off your thighs!"

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When you get a lovely big lump of resin in the post but it’s not for you. 😭

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Can i lump and together? Anyways STREAM BALLADS 1 to destroy artblock

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このメーカーの「Lump of Sugar」の作品は『運命線上のφ』まで買いましたが、最も好きなのは『花色ヘプタグラム』です。

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