Ino Yamanaka

Apesar de vaidosa, Ino carrega um coração bondoso, fazendo dela uma ótima parceira

Acompanhando o crescimento de Sakura e vendo a morte de seu sensei e seu pai, Ino floresceu e os superou na 4GN, sendo sozinha responsável pela comunicação de toda Aliança Shinobi

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Day 10 of Pokémon White Artlocke: Daniel the Quilava managed to evolve! And I caught a Wobbuffet named Senpai, a Corsola named Jebus and an Arbok named Turi. I also got my 6th gym badge!

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"... My feelings for Tem are much stronger than your feelings for Louis-sempai, because he never felt the same for me"

19 48

Azu, author of Tejina Senpai, will start a new manga serialization in Shonen Magazine issue 17 in two weeks. The manga will be called Kenja ga nakama ni natta

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all yours sempai, thanks for the opportunity! 💜💖

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Randall Senpai, me desculpe mandar 2 artes e 2 rascunhos, mas QUE FELICIDADE QUE EU VOU PODER OUVIR SEU FEEDBACK NAS MINHAS ARTES DE NOVO, fazem oque? uns 3/ 4 meses? espero ter evoluído. (Se vc não quiser dar feedback em todos pode escolher a que mais atrair seus olhos)

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Okay from ouran I love honey senpai, in yuri on ice I love victor, in animal crossing lionel is best boy, and I have no shame in saying I want to adopt kiibo from dangonronpa.

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EEEEEEEE??!!!! Thankyou!!! Iofi-senpai, you're foreverrrr my big mood booster! I won't let you down! >\\\\\<💖

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FanArt - Serafim
Menino que Herdou um incrível poder de seu pai, Decide parti numa jornada para ser o maior herói do nordeste
Inicialmente achei a ideia de cangaceiros meio estranha e engraçada, Mas na verdade e muito bom, Criado por

2 20

Hoje é aniversário daquele que cuida de mim como ninguém!!!! Parabéns, pai, obrigado por tudo.


4 17

Hello all!
My name is Senpai, but you can also call me James.
I use he/him, and I'm admittedly confused on my sexuality.
I am a persecutor! I'm not British. Jupiter keeps calling me "bri'ish."

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Hi Shenpai, love the vids!✌️
I loved making this and seeing how far I've come since I started taking creating artwork more seriously✨

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Hakuno-senpai, you'll talk to me lots ...right?

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I’ll share my 4 most recent lon comms here bc they make me *sob*

in order of credit: @/zuc_kk, @/log_souma, @/ho_ta_ru_pai, @/ljjjllljjjl !!

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Hitomi-chan wa Hitomishiri / Hitomi-chan is Shy with Strangers

She's a big girl with a scary looking face but Hitomi is actually quite shy and kind! Thanks to her rather small Senpai, she begins to become more socialble.

Very heartwarming!

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☆Holaa, soy nuevo en y busco mutuals para interactuar y entretenerme

☆SNK, FMA, kaguya sama, horimiya, shigatsu wa kimi no uso, go-tōbun no hanayome, death parade, Bunny girl senpai, etc

Miren que bonitos :3

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in a span of few hours Toudou has become senpai, teacher and BEST FRIEND of Itadori.

Anime vs. Manga

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Broken Yandere

Y e s

My poor hated oc like me, lost her senpai,



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Portada para el octavo y último volumen del manga Tejina-senpai, el cual será lanzado el próximo 5 de marzo. El último capitulo de la obra de Azu fue publicado el 14 de febrero pasado. | Más noticias manga:

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people says that they love anime panties and oppai, but is that true?

because I know that you guys love reality females too.

Don't worry I'll never love a females
Because I love anime girls more than anyone else

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