Crushing it with eye popping zombie... from our very own

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Painting I did for - Stephen Harper as a clicker zombie. It's creepy af, sorry.

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A He just wanted some dope lava spells. Why did I tell him? qq .

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Been a while since I drew a So here's one! is the best

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ゲームマーケットで「楽園のシェフィ」をご購入していただいた皆様、コミティアで「ROBOT」「Hello,my zombie.」をご購入していただいた皆様ありがとうございます!

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コミティア112、スペースNo.L04bで新作「ROBOT」と増刷の「Hello,my zombie.」を出します

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It wouldn't be St. Patrick's Day without a dancing zombie.

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My Entry to todays - 4 colour Zombie.

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Landscape background Painted for the Company Once Upon A Zombie.#art

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I would like to present some sprite test from my and game called - No More Zombie. Hope You like it.

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Une autre illustration sortie du dossier Zombie. Après ça, j'arrête les vieilleries et je montre du neuf dès la ...

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New sample of characters for my survival horror roguelike And a lot more very soon !

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Inspiration of the day. Christopher Walken zombie.

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