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Captain Beidou had a bit too much to drink 💜

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Beidou and Ryuko have the same Japanese VA I’m just so ❤️

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A meme was made, I had to do it. Beidou from in the Ultimate Hat cause she uses less stamina while swimming.

23 51

Not the person you’re talking about but can I introduce you to sexc pirate lady Beidou who also wields a big sword and rich ass MILF ningguang

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I love Beidou~

More Genshin art soon~

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Some Genshin Impact necessary fanart of Had an amazing stream...I wish I could tag everyone who contributed but I can't possibly. You guys don't know what your support really means to me. Thank you!

4 23

Help, these two have me under hostage but refuse to step on me.

1 11

Way behind on this 😥. Day 7 of is redraw of my current favorite character in Beidou.

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A sketch of Beidou from Geshin Impact I might finish later!

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“I love it when a plan comes together” energy.
((work in progress))

4 14

lol, standing in fire while holding E as Beidou is SATISFYING

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