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Happy New Year Fina~
I hope you have a happy new year~
May you accomplish all your goals and I hope to be there to celebrate them with you and the homies~
Thank you for a wonderful end of the year~

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Slightly early Happy New Year post.

Hope you all have fun and had a good year. I slacked on some of my goals towards the end of the year but I hope to make up for that this year.

(Art not mine of course, couldn't find a post with it but I believe it is by "kiyoshi")

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These are probably the drawings I’m most proud of this year! One of the things I really like doing is cool cloud effects, so I’d say I’m most proud of that. I don’t really have any goals for 2022, though I suppose it would be cool to have more people see my art :D
// eye horror

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2022 GOALS!?

♥️ Reach 2k on Twitch!
🤍Get better at art and do commissions!
♥️Get my new model!
♥️Be surrounded by friends!
🤍FACE REVEAL???!! At 1k Twitter followers!

Your turn Succubabies😏

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I like how I do colors, I'm excited to start sharing more art in 2022, my goals for next year is to grow my accounts and start doing commissions in the fall, and I really appreciate

cause even if we just started following each other they've been super nice!

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Hi I’m neko and I do art my goal is 1.1k <33 (I hope I can reach it by the end of the year-) And I hope my life will be a lot easier because back then, it wasn’t that good- but at least I made a lot of new friends :D and I haven’t planned any new goals yet in 2022.

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✨𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓻✨
~cheers to achieving our goals, smile big, eating good food, avoiding drama, finding peace and all you wish for in 2022.
Love to all and thank you for everything the past year! ♡

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my !!
this year was super difficult for me but i drew a lot more than i thought i did!! 2022 art goals:
- draw for friends more
- draw more backgrounds
- draw more front-facing lads

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thank you guys so much for an awesome year, such awesome support and neat friends i met, i do plan on doing even more for next year for myself so i can achieve some new feats, im happy i was able to achieve my goals this year and hope to achieve more next year, happy new years

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Happy New Year!
This year was certainly..memorable, both bad and good ..mostly bad though.
I still made many memories I want to cherish.
If anything I am proud I could help other people achieve their goals


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How about a little change for the next year?
2021 was boring and pain in the ass (for me at least). For the next year I wish everyone to achieve their small goals, or big ones if you're that determined.
Happ and successful 2022 ❤️🥂

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New Years Day stream? NEW YEARS DAY STREAM. Tomorrow; 10:30am EST. Come in and let’s vibe and talk about our goals for 2022…plus play some games!

Art by

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I wish you a glorious new year, full of creativity and happiness. And above all that you achieve your goals.

PS: I owe you a new character for the end of the year, there is one on the way, but I could not finish in time because you know, family business xD

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Happy New Years Eve, every nyan! 🍾
How are you welcoming the new year? I’ve been reflecting on 2021 and setting goals for 2022!📔

Thank you so much for making this one of the most memorable years ever! Here’s to another wonderful year with the UwU Crew! 🥂

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Lose and keep off 20lbs by May, 35lbs total
Launch my voice acting career and create a solid demo reel/portfolio
Reach my savings goal
Get a much larger following on Twitter/Kofi
Learn 3D Modeling
Finish organizing my Toyhouse
Learn how to cook

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2021 was a wild ride for me in multiple ways, but at least its over aaaH

2022 Art Goals:

-Be more self indulgent with what I draw
-Experiment with BGs more
-More multi-character/ship pieces

I hope 2022 is a good year for me artistically, happy new year everyone!

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made some decent fanart in 2021 (lots of metroid and zelda lol)

some art goals for next year (out of many):
– get better at storytelling via composition
– make more confident color decisions
– maintain a physical sketchbook
– draw more original stuff

onwards, upwards in 2022

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【1/1 Happy Ryu Year!】
Tomorrow is the "New Year 2022 Goals + Talk 雑談" stream tomorrow! If you have any goals for 2022, I'll be reading through them tomorrow w/ everyone from the hashtag below! (Thank you Ryuguards for coming up with it!)🥳🎉✨

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Happy new year guys! , I hope you can accomplish all your goals this 2022!
I send you great vibes! 😊❤

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