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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV



1 3

partial border closure amid Wuhan crisis too little, too late

339 450

Saw this about (alcohol) menacing and this idea popped into my mind. Original Corona-neesan design by . Really love his work

2 5


My body is ready:

9 62

Kim Jong-Un viendo como Corea del Norte es uno de los pocos países de la región Asia-Pacífico que no tiene ningún caso de Coronavirus

202 791

1월 28일 WHO에 보고된 내용(단위 : 명)
확진환자 총 4593, 사망 106, 확산국가 14개국
중국 4537, 일본 6, 한국 4, 베트남 2, 싱가포르 7, 오스트레일리아 5,말레이시아 4, 캄보디아 1, 태국 14, 네팔 1, 스리랑카 1, 미국 5, 캐나다 2, 프랑스 3, 독일 1

43 22

So, keeps telling me to stop looking up Coronavirus stuff.

This goblin cannot be stopped.

1 6

Life goes on in Wuhan. A small modification and you are all set to go

47 128

— Out of surprise, & CONFIRM patients who caught did NOT visit

🇯🇵 tour bus driver in Nara drove Chinese from
🇩🇪 1st case: infection by a colleague who visited patient’s workplace

282 387

And now a message from the President 😝

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„Coronavirus in Deutschland angekommen:
Bundesweit steigt die Nachfrage nach Atemmasken“

6 30

Ähm. Also wenn ich jetzt abkratz weil irgendein Spaten mit Coronavirus ins Kino kommt, dann werde ich das Ding haunten wie noch nie etwas gehauntet wurde! Kannste glauben.

0 8

Dr ahegao is here to treat your coronavirus. What a great 2020.

Thank you wish for inspiring me to do this

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