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Take care of the coronavirus!!

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Menurut info, ini adalah warga China daratan yg mau masuk ke Hong Kong, tapi rakyat disana menuntut pemerintah supaya menolak mereka bahkan sampai membakar bangunan dan mengancam akan melakukan mogok masal.
Apakah warga Hong Kong rasis?

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China coronavirus: A visual guide

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Looks like a case of the Deadly Coronavirus was confirmed in Ontario. I heard over 9,000 people have been infected so far. Fortunately I have a great immune system. But you can never be too safe when it comes to disease~

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Bon j'ai vu passer ces photos de Pékin déserte et ça m'a inspiré ce petit photoshopage.

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Trying to decide if I'm going to show the E protein in the coronavirus picture. Everything I'm reading says that most of it stays in the ER/Golgi, but a few may end up in virions. Hmm.

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This account is making a disgusting joke about B/TS arriving w/ coronavirus at america and is getting a worrying amount of likes.


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- 分享自 討論區

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Chinese League of Legends pro series suspended due to coronavirus https://t.co/oE8LHs4Nbr

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When we say is not we are just trying to dissociate ourselves from selfish and uncultured beings like this.

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Miles de científicos alrededor del mundo están trabajando contrarreloj para intentar comprender el nuevo coronavirus chino.

Seguir su trabajo está siendo fascinante. Pero, ¿qué preguntas tratan de resolver? ¿Cómo lo están haciendo? Lo cuento en este hilo. Ciencia en tiempo real.

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Brian Adcock: Be calm and carry on to imminent death. - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTd6mgw

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are paid a hefty sum to deliver indiscriminate beatings (if not worse) to while are randomly chosen to be on the "dirty team" that deals with patients, which carries a high chance of being infected.

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Stay up to date with the latest developments regarding the Coronavirus with this interactive map. A great use of interactive mapping tools. Well worth sharing this widely so that misinformation doesn't spread... Source: https://t.co/S2sqdlajE3

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