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Here's a small preview of my piece for the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Chronological Zine! Im so excited ahhh! We are all Havoc tbh

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Continuing with the Patreon Posts, we have Winry Rockbell! You probably noticed that I drew this around Christmas XD

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Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist in crocs

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And now for something more modern! This is my zine preview for the FMA:B Chronological zine! Can you guess what part of the story this is from? Angry Ed isn't the biggest hint.

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'Too close, Shorty...'
'Do you mind, Envy?'

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I have been a fan for a long time, ever since I first heard you in fullmetal when I was young. When I learned that you voiced Broly I was ecstatic, until I realized that non-canon had almost no character, so..PRAISE BE CANON BROLY

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🎙️Cette semaine ds la On vs propose de toucher du bout des doigts à travers le regard que Julie, Johnny et Flavien peuvent en avoir.
▶️ https://t.co/zACd4OHIE2 ◀️
Symbolisme,politique,dramaturgie, il y a de quoi faire!😋
(Et on a un nouveau blog)

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Very nice Fullmetal Alchemist fan art by whoareuu (2019)
Edward & Alphonse Elric https://t.co/fDFu3QBtFo

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【ハガレン情報】TVアニメ「鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST」全64話+OVA4本を収録した超豪華なBlu-ray Disc Boxが4月3日に発売!!描き下ろし三方背ケースにオリジナルサウンドトラックCD3枚組、ブックレットが特典でついていくる完全生産限定版は見逃し厳禁ですよ★  

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Tonight's practice is Alphonse Elric by request! My spirit animal from high school, I love this dude.

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FACTS OF LIFE will be back this February 1st. in Patreon and Feb 3 in WordPress.
The updates will be monthly, my current amount of work doesn’t allow me to update it more often, and I don’t want to keep delaying it.

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charm designs! Added Roy and wanted to add Ling too but I ran out of time ;; flowers inspired by fmab opening 3 golden time lover 👀💦

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Ignore how wonky her face is... The correction is in progress!

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! 💖

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