画質 高画質

This pair doesn’t receive much attention, I am here to change that

51 187

Well uh i had these lil head shots of the cookie run characters in my stlye so welp enjoy (σ・ω・)σ , these were kinda fun to draw , yeah yeah i know the backgrounds are simple ┐( ̄ヘ ̄")┌

3 22

'Please fall in love with me'
Attempted a humanised style~

60 302

I just need to do 4 more laps...then she's home...💖

5 25

(decided to post this one because its still one of my favs lol)
i havent played crob in a big while i probably missed her cookie cup 😔😔😔

13 42

I am in love with Marshmallow cookie!

10 40

the pic i drew an hour ago isnt good so i redrew her

35 70

Just telling my new followers that you should follow me in instagram for more of my art since i'm more active there. Anyway, i hope you enjoy my art ✌

42 101

"My faithful guardian, my curse is not your fault."

31 113