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先月IDWよりリリースされた『Synergy: A Hasbro Creators Showcase』にて、Katie Cookの自伝的エッセイコミックが載ってるんだけど、作画がAgnes Garbowskaなので一瞬混乱した。

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グリズリー?いいえ、現場IDWです。 ちょこちょこ合間に塗って完成です。

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3拡大にしたらJUST DO IT!!! してくるIDW

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late So, I'm Konrad from Poland and I draw ponies&comics for fun. I drew one thing that's on a notable level - a comic over for IDW. With that 1 cover I'm now like those NHL players who played one game only in NHL (there is actually a Wikipedia article about them).

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A (re?)design I made for IDW-verse before he came back for real in the OP comics. I just figured his TFA body/colors would look cool if they were adapted to IDW style but I guess his canon god-tier fursona was neat too

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Hi, Guys!

Let me tell you- I'm really interested to read the comics!
But I don't know where to start?! The old Mirage Comics from 80', or can I Jump right into the Comics?

Any fan of TMNT comics- let me know where to start!

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IDW’s New Transformers Comic Series Issue ITunes Preview https://t.co/0ontSB3QQs

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Artist Andrew Griffith has revealed via Twitter a new Fembot that is to be introduced in the new IDW Transformers No details yet on her name but we're excited to see the final colors....stay tuned.

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Little IDW-turned-Animated Fritz. Also known as: you didn’t name this background character and he’s mine now

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Andrew Griffith Returns Doing Art In The New IDW Transformers – New Fembot Revealed https://t.co/NnyrxnQGKR

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Cover Sneak peek 2.0.😁
.Adelanto de tapa 😁.
🕷🕸 Amazing script by
and Spectacular colors by Ronda Pattison.
Shawn Lee Superior lettering!

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As requested, this is the possible Sally Acorn redesign that Adam Bryce Thomas once did that some of us thought it would be a perfect IDW Sally redeisgn...

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'Ragnarök' returns from Walt Simonson and IDW this summer: https://t.co/KOx2dFgRLR

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Happy first anniversary to IDW Sonic!

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