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Sir Ornstein in a good mood 👀⚡️

*Do not repost without credit please*

3 9

here they are again, these are the 2 sides of a charm I'm doing for myself (b ´▽`)b

5 8

Would you touch the darkness :3

I started this the day before they announced the remaster xD
conincidence or psychic powers oooooo~~ spooky


2 15

いろいろなファーナム騎士、デフォルメのすがた。Deformed Faraam Knights (Forossa Lion Knights).

4 12

i'm not sure how far i'll take this but zelda+darksouls piece since switch Ds remastered and all that

1 4

I can’t wait for where Gwyndolin has a gun (colored)

45 127

ちょっと前に見た情報ほんと〜?どうせブラボカートみたいなもんだろ〜?と思ってたから、これ描いてスタンバイしてたけど、無駄になったなwwwwダクソリマスター版スイッチ発売おめでとーーー!!!!!\( ´ω` )/

25 80

My Gimli   from yesterday - sorry nothing new today, the day job sucked my soul dry today. I'm an empty shell of nothing dipped in a candy coating of desolation

1 4

Been playing a lot of and it made me fall back in love with gaming, so i did a little something as thanks!

2 6

쿠리타(밤)와 지크벨트(양파)

2 10

Greirat knows you can do it!

0 1

Twin Princes (⌒▽⌒)(´ ε ` )♡

4 4