🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

El Oscurecimiento de la Luz | Hexagrama 36

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Crackhead Bret is buyable on my OpenSea account! 🔥

🚀 1/1 Base from Diamond Ace Crackheads 🚀

Holders of this collection will partecipate in the weekly 💎


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Crackhead Bret is buyable on my OpenSea account! 🔥

🚀 1/1 Base from Diamond Ace Crackheads 🚀

Holders of this collection will partecipate in the weekly 💎


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Crackhead Ella is buyable on my OpenSea account! 🔥

1/1 Base from Diamond Ace Crackheads 🚀

Holders of this collection will partecipate in the weekly 💎


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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

Antes de la Consumación | Hexagrama 64

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-More avatars. The twins are there too :D
-Más avatares. Los gemelos están allí también :D

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-Avatars for profiles made by us :D
-Avatars para perfiles hechos por nosotros :D

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Crackhead Zeph is buyable on my OpenSea account! 🔥

1/1 Base from Diamond Ace Crackheads 🚀

Holders of this collection will partecipate in the weekly 💎


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Crackhead Mason is buyable on my OpenSea account! 🔥

1/1 Base from Diamond Ace Crackheads 🚀

Holders of this collection will partecipate in the weekly 💎


1 17

Crackhead Logan is buyable on my OpenSea account! 🔥

1/1 Base from Diamond Ace Crackheads 🚀

Holders of this collection will partecipate in the weekly 💎


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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

Lo Sereno | Hexagrama 58

Dos lagos reposan uno sobre el otro. Cuando se enlazan no será fácil que se agoten pues uno enriquece al otro.

Igual que la sabiduría cuando se intercambia entre los hombres.

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Arte digital: Cronos le corta las alas a cupido. Tamaño A4 pincel 46. Dibujado totalmente digital.

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No eh subido artes conseptuales de mi oc pero aqui esta :]💕

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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

El Antagonismo | Hexagrama 38

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Fabio (squallfenice su Instagram) partecipa al contest di con questo meraviglioso disegno raffigurante Benedict Pascal, stratega e consigliere di casa Wolfhort!

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Serie HAUS

✨ La Vocación | Vocatio

Abro las puertas que confluyen en mi hogar y dentro se tejen ramas que salen por las ventanas del techo; en las puntas, crecen flores.


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