Wondering what molecular viz styles went into this piece? A mix of 1. A density map, 2. Ball and stick model, and 3. Stylized Bohr-model inspired atoms.

8 29

* Did you call me, huh?

Zn(Zinc) SD Tablet art

0 2

Check out this set of 4 different models of DNA that show different aspects of the molecule; Simplified, Bonds, Atoms, and Surface. Each model consists of a single twist and is set up with an array modifier and a follow curve modifier. https://t.co/9xi1DrB73X

1 10

* Hiya...!

0 4

* Do you know me?


0 2

* 私一人で遊ぶつもりだよ...😭

0 1

* .....💕


0 1



Atomic nomber: 53


0 1

Na(Sodium) likes your opinion.

0 3

* Now I understand my bright part.


P(Phosphorus) concept art

0 2