Heading to D.C. for You'll enjoy the NAS exhibitions "Endangered: From Glaciers to Reefs" and "Ground Truth: Corona Landmarks." Open weekdays 9-5, 2101 Constitution Ave NW. https://t.co/GtvFA2THgI

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For those interested in you'll enjoy our exhibition by Diane Burko at 2101 Constitution Ave NW. This exhibition looks at the impact of climate change on glaciers and reefs. Open 9-5 weekdays. https://t.co/Evn9TcXV0R

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いくらなんでも乱暴に扱いすぎだろ! https://t.co/nbB8dnF0Qm

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The cost of meeting this constitutional threshold is prohibitive, we still need to . Cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper

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Don't miss my toon on Trump's unconstitutional attorney general appointment: https://t.co/JGhsBXyno5

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A planet or a Petri dish? Diane Burko evokes both with her coral reef lenticular series in These prints are similar to holograms and you need to see them in person for the full experience. Visit 9-5 weekdays, 2101 Constitution Ave NW.

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Toujours issu du 3ème trailer de Dragon Ball Super : Broly, ma reconstitution du travelling vertical sur Broly full power ;)

Link HD : https://t.co/pftRn2lo1x

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Diane Burko uses mapping notations as abstract elements in her paintings. Meet her in our gallery at 2101 Constitution Ave NW today and tomorrow, 2-5pm. Pictured: A detail from her painting Faga'alu, 2018 and a corresponding map.

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So Trump wants to stop migration by changing the constitution. Well, Donald, sit down, open your excercise book, listen up and write down in capitals: laws can‘t substitute therapy. Never.

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