画質 高画質

Um país dividido, PARTIDO ao meio, é fundamental o respeito à democracia!

24 583

El Museo y la Fundación Liceo Sofía Labastida los invitan a participar en la serie de conferencias "Tlali Nantli. La biología a través de la acuarela"
Inscripciones al 5555541801 ó al correo avisos.org.mx

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Láminas gratuitas de las emociones en LSE: dos con las principales emociones positivas y negativas, y dos sin texto (signos de Fundación CNSE con licencia Creative Commons). Descarga en la web las cuatro láminas en PDF 👇

28 59

1) for me started with a conversation, an open discussion about our experiences both in irl/web3. Fundamentally speaking, it was a discourse that was oddly philosophical and and reflective in nature, which I can safely say caught most of us off guard.

142 222

Maybe the only people left on a future earth would be religious fundamentalists, 40k might not be that far off the mark

0 1

omg scaraven canon
scaramouche will you do the fundango

11 50

Brazil is going through a really hard time right now and any help towards us and bringing awareness is fundamental. Brasileiros se DIVULGUEM AQUI!

COMMISSION CARRD: https://t.co/YP79yx9btp

45 50

Me di cuenta que tenía un error fundamental. He aquí la versión corregida.

4 11

Faruzan = Gorou

¿Os acordáis cuando salió Gorou lo bueno que fue incorporarlo con Itto hasta tal punto de ser alguien fundamental?

Bueno pues Faruzan es lo mismo para los anemo (wanderer)

C6: +40% CritDMG cuando se les hace daño anemo a los enemigos

172 3238

El Museo y la Fundación Liceo Sofía Labastida los invitan a participar en la serie de conferencias "Tlali Nantli. La biología a través de la acuarela".
Inscripciones al 5555541801 ó al correo avisos.org.mx
No olvides inscribirte, el jueves inician.

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El Museo y la Fundación Liceo Sofía Labastida los invitan a participar en la serie de conferencias "Tlali Nantli. La biología a través de la acuarela", celebrando el y del 55 aniversario del
Inscripciones al 5555541801 ó al correo avisos.org.mx

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I creates NFTs & I show art online. Three beauties from "Las Flores Divinas" are destined for an exhibit.
See them in their digital glory on


2 9

Would Yoshikage Kira coom to her hands? 🤔
Also currently doing more studies on fundamentals than finishing drawings.

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Sasara’s birthday greeting from Rei 1/2

“Hey, Sasara. I heard that you received a jokes practice book from Rosho, but have you improved since then? I’m giving you a collection of information that I specially made: ‘Fundamental of Jokes: even a monkey would understand’”

81 268

yes, absolutely! That doesn't mean stay at few colors, but it does mean the fundamentals of light and shadow and composition are way easier. In art school they made us render people's portraits using pure green and pure red, and nothing else. Making hard choices is good

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Meu casalzinho favorito do rpg que participo.
Não esqueçam, 13 afundando na urna hoje, boa eleição a todos!

4 8

Gm gm World. Sunday funday☕️

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