The shows based on (very clearly visibly) from the Hawkeye comic by Matt Fraction !! The colors are simple and the style is so clear (there’s even a part where it’s from the dogs perspective shown by image bubbles based on the dogs thoughts!!)

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อีกหนึ่งทฤษฎีที่เป็นไปได้ก็คือ 112012 อาจเป็นวันที่ปล่อยคอมมิค Hawkeye (2012) เล่ม โดย Matt Fraction และ David Aja

โดยเป็นเล่มที่เคท บิชอปปรากฏตัวในคอมมิคฮอว์คอายครั้งแรก

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This is to inform you that my cat was a double agent: Originally a member of the "Cats In Black" () my cat then feignedly joined the "MCV Rebellion" fraction. Cats…they’re unpredictable! Thank you for the elegant tailoring!

9 36

I really, really hope the boomerang gag from Fraction's Hawkeye run is in the show.

0 7

If you're enjoying check out & Matt Fraction's series. It's great.
And if you like that, check out The Seeds and Casanova. Great creator-owned books from those two.

10 61

Today’s First Feature on Comix & Coffey is a catch up. Adventure Man by and and Have every issue, I have just not been able to read them.

2 14

Haha :)
Blague à part, si t'as l'occaz de lire le run écrit par Matt Fraction et dessiné par David Aja, do it !

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Haha, those are perhaps top 10 legendary runs!

I'm going with
Who Killed Jimmy Olsen by Matt Fraction & Steve Lieber
Mister Miracle by Tom King and Mitch Gerads
Both Mini series but with 12 issues ( and a lot of panels) counts enough by my book.!

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I was living in Brooklyn for my recent re-read of by & a special place for it.

Maybe show’s good, maybe not, but I urge you to read this gem. Here are a few pages featuring the most important character: pizza dog AKA “Lucky”

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"kate bishop. i'm pretty much an avenger. at your service."
🏹 style inspiration:  hawkeye (2012) by matt fraction & david aja
🔍 p.s.  try to find all easter eggs іn the posters

1 10

Nightwing by Peter Tomasi, Rags Morales, and Don Kramer

Nightwing by Sam Humphries and Bernard Chang

Hawkeye by Matt Fraction and David Aja

Hawkeye: Freefall by Matthew Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt

9 56

me whenever i listen to the cover of red fraction bc aiai's accent is so sexy

0 5

A few of my favorite mints from today:

- Diffraction of Waves 002 by
- Today its raining by
- Rondelle, Listen by
- The Plant IV by

1 19

Past heroes reborn; their fates’ align. Writer Matt Fraction, Penciler-Colorist Terry Dodson, Inker Rachel Dodson: Fraction expertly shifts between past/present, part one of the 2nd arc also cunningly sets up our heroes’ next peril with Dodsons’ visual verve. 5/5

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Clint and Barney Barton in the Fraction/Aja run of Hawkeye have very similar vibes to Nathan and Sam Drake in Uncharted 4

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Now the Matt Fraction era I'm not as big on as I use to be but it honestly is still a good run I enjoy that has some incredible arcs such as the Five Nightmares.

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I started a reread of the Fraction/Aja/Wu Hawkeye series last night because I'm super excited for the show and needed an early Hawkeye fix, and DANG it remains phenomenal. I'd go so far as to say it's the best superhero comic of the 21st century.

1 2

Happy Anniversary, you crazy kids. I can't imagine my life without you.

I'm slammed lately and it's been tough to keep my mental health in check. A big part of that is Calvin and Hobbes. I hope to someday pass along even a fraction of the joy you've given me.

6 45

We announce the first of many purchases for the ZombiePunks DAO. A , our holders will have a fractional ownership of this now and will be stored until decided otherwise. 100% of secondary royalties back to the holders...

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