I love this over-complicated mess of a design LMAO

0 5

Oh poor thing they really can't let go, huh...

0 4

sorry look at them I love them

0 4

Oh my god it uses the deep-ass voice of course and OH gross (cool)

0 5

LAUGHING AT JUDAI'S FACE again very JRPG-like, u gotta have a 3-form last boss

0 6

not quite yet, honey...

0 4

Ah yes that good old Yugioh keyword, """friend""", used in very friend-like contexts!

0 4

Yeah they're still moe.... (Also I like how they've flipflopped back, like, very clearly the importance here is still being with Judai in the end)

0 3

these shots are just pretty...

0 3

.........WOW........... yeah okay they used 'suki' but the context of 'suki' is usually like, "I like like you" so.......

0 6


0 3

I love how this doesn't actually sound bad persay but specifically for Yubel's card conditions it is lol

0 4

ok it looks so good close up tho

0 4