Yeah Maruna is gonna have to be really caring and patient towards her for a while… It's gonna be so tough because I don't think he was able to bring her to the future…

0 8

Aww, I love that even though she expressed it in a really harsh manner, she wants him to act more like a king they need

0 8

Oof, this is an incredibly sad conversation because it seems like Ananta can't return her feelings at all

0 7

Omfg, I know he's a problem but wow "It's as if the process of moving itself got erased" is one of the coolest descriptions ever!

0 9

Ooh, I don't think it's a good idea to say something like that to Ananta

0 7

The cat's out of the bag quicker than I expected😁

0 7

Uh oh, hiiii Sagara. Can you leave Raltara alone pleasee

0 8

Oh yeah… what an easy-going Ananta Rakshasa😅 Watch out my boy, his king sure must be scary👀😅

0 8

That clumsy-looking guy, my boy, is one of the strongest beings who ever lived😁😁 I absolutely love characters who are strong beyond imagination but also are goofballs💜💜 I can't wait to see Maruna spending time with Ananta

0 10

How about meeting with Ananta instead🤭🤭 I love that Ananta is running away from them as well😁😁

0 10

Sagara looks great, she should do her hair like that more

0 8

I like villains who know how the weak feels like because they were also weak at some point. They tend to have super fragile egos tho. Asura is gonna be a fun villain to face in the future

0 9

I like that both Ran and Maruna made a comment about these passages being similar to the water channels😁

0 8

His other half💔 I like Vayu but I didn't care about him that much since I don't know him enough, yet but now I wanna see his happiness so bad

0 9

I don't think they've escaped from Indra's web, yet

0 8

I feel so freaking bad for him, he did not deserve to go through this at all

0 10

Is that the role they forced him into?? Fucking gods…

0 9

Hell yeah Vayu, I'm so proud of him. I'm starting to really like Vayu❤

0 8

I see, he might've been betrothed to his first love. I don't like this red haired god at all. I wonder freaking why it must've been so hard for Vayu, oh here's a crazy idea, maybe not everyone is like Indra and he was genuinely in love with his betrothed

0 9