51/90. Fabian Society got its names from Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, aka ‘Delayer’ (Cunctator), after his strategy of attrition v. Hannibal, on suggestion of Frank Podmore (biographer of Robert Owen) who
had studied Classics at Oxford but become radicalised.

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Mire végzek Maximus refjével a szemem is ketté áll.

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Emerald egy lovagi rendhez tartozik. Ahol inkább férfiak voltak, mint nők. Ìgy őt nem vették komolyan. Általában a felettesei olyan munkát adtak neki, aki bárki megcsinálta volna. Eleinte kiröhögték mert az apja(Maximus) nyomdokaiba akart lépni. Nem vették őt komolyan.

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Delta and Maximus seem to have a good idea of the ideal boys night out; going and eating out several bakeries and buffets with the intention of getting wonderfully obese. Too fat to give a hi-five, they resort to a belly bump to a great outing.

Commission for

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The first CG I draw,Treant Attack,almost done,it take more time than I think.
sketch:Maximus catch volga
Poor Volga,almost raped by a tree.

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I finished Maximus, everyone. I'm really proud of him and I even took the time to name his sword too. Maximus is going to be a Protag in a little thing I'm writing... >w>

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I'm making a new character name Maximus... I'm inspiring his personality after mine and favorite reckless boy...

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Maximus discovers how dangerous all-you-can-eat pubs can be, especially with winter munchies...
“ Hurrf... Burrrrp... I gotta stop eatin’ soon... I’m gettin’ a bit too... urf... big... I can barely... Buhhhurrrp... move...”
Maximus’ belly rumbles ominously...

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Still working on the final pages of Spiritus Maximus issue 1 (aka episode 11 for webtoon.)

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Skyfire/Fortress Maximus💞

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Finally! I got time to draw this 'love'~
No commish...just for fun!
This Maxxie looks Hawtt~
(Love this humansformers design)
Thanks to my discord member for let me kidnap him~

Ovl:He looks mad- //smirks// <3

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Fourth Head Bean completed! for Derpusmaximus on discord!

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Third Head Bean completed! for Derpusmaximus on discord!

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Second Head Bean! for Mortimus-Maximus on FA!

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First Head Bean complete! for Mortimus-Maximus on FA!

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Indian Elephant

Scientific Name: Elephas maximus indicus
Japanese Name: インドゾウ
Conservation Status: Endangered
Diet: Herbivore
Distribution: Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia
Romanised Name: Indo Zou
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 70 years

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It's Tuesday...that means it's time for more Maximus Wrecks (my 80s post-apocalyptic webcomic). Today, we meet the Boss of Chicago! https://t.co/cmTmoH8llc

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a few days ago I started following you and fell in love with Maximus. Only a day later and he’s gone... I am heartbroken. Here’s a drawing I made in tribute.

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I am overwhelmed at the response yesterday. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined a little stray cat in Wolverhampton would receive as much love as he did yesterday. There were tens of thousands of messages worldwide. He was a lovely little boy.

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