Today is the let's work together for better place and life!

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Hey, it’s feel like a beer? Spacer’s Cove Pub? Or you guys can fly over to Jita 4-4? 🚀

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"Peace" ~ Renee Zie. detail; Watercolour on archival paper.

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South Korea National Day 2017 - in South Korea.

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It's fitting that it's and the birthday of Neville is an amazing friend. [susannedraws]

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Today we are celebrating go out and tell all of your friends how much they mean to you!

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🇫🇷National Day🇫🇷Bonne fête!エッフェル塔の盛大な花火の前に!23時からラジオフランスのオーケストラとコーラスによるコンサートが行われます。お見逃しなく🎆🗼 🎆

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Start of Summer + International Yoga Day of 2017.
Happy Day, yogis & yoginis around the world. :-)

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