2 13

bryce just reminded him how broke he is. lmaooooo

5 48

Are these really your little scrimblorb blimbos

7 37

drew more of my airy design 🐱i think it's pretty obvious who my fave character is

1 22

beach episode!! *anime version of the one intro starts playing*

10 46

did i just makw a new twittr account just cuz i didnt likw my othr ONE?!? yes i did. anywys airy and airline food are friends cuz i’m YIPPEE | |

6 30

giggles while animating this (a liam and bryce sh*tpost)

47 158

airy playing with his dolls

60 365

He's a lot calmer about it the show, but, shhhh…I like drama.

1 33

bitches be crying over inanimate objects (im bitches)

86 335