//=time() ?>
2. Team Galactic
Many of the grunts believe their goal is just to capture Pokemon, but in reality, their leader is using the group in the hopes of remaking the universe in his own image: devoid of any and all emotion by using the legendary Pokemon to rewrite organic life
Uh oh, looks like the floating mistletoe cryptid has broken free and is roaming reality, thank goodness that Phoon and Zahra are in a loving relationship otherwise the weird tradition of kissing underneath the mistletoe would be very awkward
This transphobe believes that Emma Watson’s support of trans people is equivalent to Nazism. In reality, the Nazis opposed trans people and destroyed much of the early research on transition.
The beauty of an emerging reality, of a beginning, of a deep connection. A secret universe. Those who have known it will understand.
Here we have an Image for @Adri_Gummi!
Seems his Kittie Character, Louis, has become #Macro and holds the Moon as he says a Soliloquy about his size. In reality, this is just a scene from a film that he is making with Clayton.
What you think of his performance?
【UTAU】Happy birthday, Ouka Alice!
A tsundere girl. In reality, she is rather lonely and wishes to show her dere side more often.
December 16th marked 12 years since her release. Hopefully since then, her true feelings have shown through her songs!
A watermark upon reality, at every scale throughout the universe. A spiraling galaxy, an electron’s decaying orbit.
We dip our paddle into the swirling waters, trying to determine our path in life, and in doing so we too create spirals in our wake.
#MattBrownPortfolio #NFTArt
Look like one of the False Fans, identified as "WSakura6", came and expose me. But it's not working as she failed multiple times. In reality, this is a troll account to annoyed the Fans. To #IStandWithVic Community, I highly recommend to report and block this troll account. 👽🖖
"True education can only start from naked reality, not from a delusive ideal." C.G.Jung
#invinoveritas #RESIST
Psychological Reflections
In the last picture you were meant to think monica was cheated on, in reality, she just happened to over hear what happened her sister and her lover and just couldn't help herself https://t.co/Xv1frykRO2
Encased in Marble by Scorpion-Design on DeviantArt https://t.co/6tA4VsUaj4
Encased Marble, Digital art, virtual reality,Augmented reality, design thinking, Futurism ,
#scorpiondesign #art #artist #conceptualart #fragmentedart #digitalart #futurism #graphicdesign
Encased in Marble by Scorpion-Design on DeviantArt https://t.co/7gdNjUioec
Proud, Digital art, virtual reality,Augmented reality, design thinking, Futurism ,
#scorpiondesign #art #artist #conceptualart #fragmentedart #digitalart #futurism #graphicdesign
The proud parent by Scorpion-Design on DeviantArt https://t.co/Mr5J0ZcY9N
Proud, Parent, Digital art, virtual reality,Augmented reality, design thinking, Futurism ,
#scorpiondesign #art #artist #conceptualart #fragmentedart #digitalart #futurism #graphicdesign #designthinking
Monika's tip of the day~
It's intriguing how so many people are quick to judge others and try to tell them how to live their lives. When in reality, the people who are judging. Either don't or barely know how to live their own. Don't listen to anyone, you live your life YOUR way~
Spec evo Adam bright
“A deranged man with a paranoia tainted view of reality, only reinforced by the consent sensory input from his obscured view of the world”
#specevoscps #specevoadambright #scp #specevonright
somang used to be a loner but she'a actually very friendly and someone that is easy to get along with (just missed the timing unfortunately 🤣) while hamin is always hanging out with different people and is also considered famous but in reality, he isnt really close to anyone.