Lil' League of Legends Star Guardian Lulu (my favorite star guardian girl ❤️)

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Actualizo el dibujo (aún no lo pasé a hoja de dibujo porque no estoy en casa).
También hice así a lo rápido el icono de la skin (ya lo retocaré, no rayarse, sé que está fatal).❤

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All of them are coming soon !(perhaps 🤣

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I edited the SG Xayah and Rakan splash art! Let's have both as an option in game :) (Ctrl +5 to change to purified versions, or separate skins so we can buy both!)

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I am in TEARS. The uncorrupted is just so pretty

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So here’s my fanart for this awesome Vastaya girl. I’m beyond happy, IM IN CLOUDS, my girl deserved some GOOD SHIT like this ! Thanks for this beautiful skin 😭💜 I’m beyond words !

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Star Guardian Rakan and Xayah are basically Pokemon's Jessie and James and you won't change my mind.

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When your laugh what the only thing that mattered to me ~~ ✨💕

Pls Riot, make Rakan & Xayah uncorrupted SG a real thing 😭

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✨"Guardiãs Estelares estão destinadas a proteger o universo.
Mas quem vai proteger a gente ?"✨

( 🌸lembrete rápido : eu amo a Neeko com todas as minhas forças, deem mais amor a ela~ )

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Actually super excited about SG Zoe and her role in the SG lore :0

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Doodling some star guardians as I wait for the pbe patch to drop. Neeko and Zoe are my favorite despite my love for xayah and rakan

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