Revisiting works on paper, old and new.
The body and its mutable self, stretching the realms of my imagination.
Mixed techniques on paper.

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No importa como estes vestida... Siempre te veras hermosa de forma natural una belleza eterna eh inmutable que me ah deleitado de sobre manera... Pues tu tienes un brillo unico

—ella tenia una leve sonrisa mientras alagaba asu conejita —

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Be Creative. Give Back.

McPuddertons is looking for additional youth art organizations and programs to support. 👀🎨

If you know any reputable organizations drop a link below or feel free to DM me!

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8.Till the Bell Tolls
9.Gearing Up
13.Under Tides


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Ella aunque le daba pena ( que ironia ala diosa inmutable) le daria un beso lleno de pasión y cariño

━━━━ ''besar tu boca es un delirio... Pero el no hacerlo es un castigo miko~ ''

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so I've done an extremely scientific survey of talking to like three bird people
as a result, i made this very reputable diagram demonstrating my findings on exactly how much food birds eat compared to how much gets haphazardly thrown in every conceivable direction

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━━━━ ''me hare cargo... De que estos sentimientos sean Eternos eh inmutables ~ que sean un sueño eterno donde se cumplan''

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Revisiting works on paper, old and new.
The body and its mutable self, stretching the realms of my imagination.
Corpus II
Ink & watercolor on paper

5 x 12tz

0 4

Baby Ape Social Club() was spotted being praised by 🐒 Slaw can be seen as reputable among the crypto community.

If you want to check them out too 👇
Magic Eden:

Dab Island all the way seems to sway 🏝️

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completely, unequivocally, indisputably.. whelmed. 🪶

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Fey - more specifically the Sídhe - are odd because even though there's some of us that are clearly and somewhat immutably one thing or the other, many can just be roles. Aíne, queen of the Munster fairies was often said to also be a Leanan Sídhe. But a Leprechauns a Leprechaun.

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Now, aside from pretty much screaming the above out loud through Bullyboard and other "reputable" music sources, there is something else that is to be gleaned if one reads between the lines:

Something is *off* about the US music industry at the moment, more so than usual.

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Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...Joker.

It's time to look for your soul mate! Get your matching earring to be ready for the Fusion Process!

Scout the marketplace ⏬

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idk if I'm late but.
Executable is a variation that doesn't just want to kill, but wants to corrupt the entire world with his blue mass. He is as tall as a normal Sonic palm tree, he talks to his victim very calmly to lower their guard, he can also shapeshift-

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Sonic.EXE [Executable] (1/6)

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El Aguilucho (Manuel Gago Garcia, 1959)

Y acabamos con uno sobre un MONSTRO. Así me gusta. No ha estado mal el tebeo, no. Tiene todos los tropos de Gago pero se le ve disfrutando el trabajo. Disfrutable aún por los obvios problemillas socioculturales.

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je continue ma petite série d'illu sur , la DA global me parle bien malgré les graphismes disons...discutables '^'

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🎥 Klaus 🎥

Nominada al premio Oscar en Mejor Película de Animación, Klaus es un filme disfrutable en cualquier fecha, no sólo para navidad. Con una calidad de animación increíble y un mensaje que conmoverá los corazones, enseñándonos la importancia de ayudar a otros.

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a completely & irrefutably above board appropriation of art Intentionally Donated to the Organization by
visual/linguistic annotation: respectively

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Sorry I was just reminded of the indisputable fact that Sakura is just pink Pamela.

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