(awakening decima) DECIMA EMMERYN RIGHTS. DECIMA EMMERYN RIGHTS! decima gives her wife kissy daily. fuck u

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Scream! 31415926535897932384626433833462648323979853562951413 is a palindromic prime formed by taking n digits in the decimal expansion of pi and reflecting about the last digit.

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ADVANCED PREVIEW: Lady Death: Malevolent Decimation Kickstarter! Click here to see all the rewards! -

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ADVANCED PREVIEW: Lady Death: Malevolent Decimation Kickstarter! Click here to see all the rewards! -

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Made sure to follow them 🥳
I would absolutely decimate a pink frosted donut right now. Goodness I'm hungry. Cool art by the way!

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Oh man hello! I’m Bread and I love chocolate donuts but I’d also eat basically anything if it’s sweet and DECIMATED with pink frosting. I love my friends very dearly please check them out!!

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the ib has made it its mission to fucking decimate me
valentines themed design...

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Calix makes this sort of expression when he hears something ridiculous and/or wants to decimate a particular target being... ridiculous.

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Wow epic Boomer juice :3
Thanks to for letting me decimate his amazing sketch work with color. Your art is amazing!

Time Lapse: https://t.co/HvG4CSv865

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Day 26: Ancient Murrelet

When rats were introduced to the Haida Gwaii, they decimated the largest Ancient Murrelet colony in the world.

For years the Haida Nation and have tried to eradicate the invasive rats and conserve seabirds.

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Still love Decimate's animation... just need a screenshake when it lands...

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La decima octava es la vencida ->-

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Following the raid on Zhoist and the decimation of his fleet, Fleetmaster ‘Kvarosee defied the orders of the High Prophets, broke rank and became a renegade commander, leading the newly assembled Flotilla of Unsung Piety and sought to redeem himself by destroying the infamous ONI

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The humans have regained their capital city, but the vicious Umber attacks have left them decimated. If humanity is to survive, Queen Vivian must seek out new alliances. Who will join the Queen in the Iron Mask? Pick up STRAVAGANZA VOLUME 2 today!


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Impellor, the main enforcer and recruiter of the Cyber Syndicate, and his casette Calicon. Impellor wields the powerful ability of Erasure, blocking the powers of any Cybertronian within his field of view, and uses his dual Fusion Cannons to decimate anyone he deems a threat.

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I found the sapling plugin and decimate modifier, but leaves will be a whole 'nother story

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The fires in Australia have decimated this ecologically diverse country and with these fires, 500 million animals have perished. A few more brands are working to raise money to help support the relief aid.

- https://t.co/WRrVx794hn

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How The GOP decimated its brand by working to kill Pre-Existing-Conditions. Thenib .com

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