Its not just Friday, its , and here's our card to mark the occasion!

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British fleet: 27 ships of the line, 6 others & 18k men. Franco-Spanish fleet: 33 ships of the line, 11 others & 33k men

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beauty in small©louise gardam 2016

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beauty in small things...brighton rocks...©louise gardam 2016

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seems to be going ahead then. It's alright though because the Tanaiste has it sorted.

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beauty in small things...light..lewes...©louise gardam 2016

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painting that no longer exists,layer of Infinity Series1m x1.2m ©louisegardam2016

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painting that no longer exists,layer of Infinity Series 1m x1.2m©louisegardam2016

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Going back to Lake Garda on Wed' see some paintings done there last year

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2 weeks today and i'm off to Lake Garda, can't wait

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painting that no longer exists,layer of Infinity Series 1m x1.2m©louisegardam2016

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beauty in small things.field of dreams..dandelion..oak..©louise gardam 2016

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シガルダの助け/Sigarda's Aid

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beauty in small things..field of dreams..©louise gardam 2016

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Ca c'est moi qui DL GoT mais qui sait que c'est inregardable jusqu'à ce soir 18h30

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ذي Garda اللي كانت تخدم موزاكا وبعضهم يقولوا انها Ashleen بنت موزاكا كبرت؟..هي ماتت

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Lake Garda, prints available at Glossop Gallery, indoor market Glossop

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นี่ไงง เจอละ.. วาดตั้งแต่เริ่มวาดฟอ.บังทันแรกๆเลย เพิ่งติ่งไม่นานไง แต่รักมากนะยูวว >/////<

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