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Day 30: The Beginning and The End of everything

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Daily Doodle 97 - Gardevoir and Gallade are happy to have Iron Valliant join the family! I do intend to add Ralts and Kirlia later, just don't have enough time today.

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1- It's between Lucario and Gardevoir. Call me a furry and get yourself a nice prize: it can either be a limited edition ``fuck you´´ or a block. Flip that coin if you dare 😉

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I have made myself a human OC :o
Trainer of my gardevoir Ythrin

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5. My favorite Mega is Mega Gardevoir, of course! My favorite G-Max is Centiskorch!

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5) Favorite Megas: Gardevoir and Gallade of course! So elegant! Though Mega Audino is also a good fluffy babu.

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11. BARRY!!!!!!!!!!! i also adore wally (that mfing gardevoir) and hau … nemona is also literally perfect

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1) Favorite Pokémon: Gardevoir and the rest of the Ralts line. I can't express why, I just love them all. Perhaps the elegance and the gallantry mixed with the cuteness-- plus it's the emotion pokemon and I am an emotional mess ;u;

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1. My favorite Pokemon are Runerigus, Gardevoir, Smoliv, and Pachirisu (and Sizzlipede and Espathra, but Twitter only allows 4 pics)!

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5. Fav mega: I like gardevoir, banette, and mawile! Sad that they discontinued doing megas, I really liked the ones introduced in ORAS too

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Iron Valiant (Future Gardevoir/Gallade) but sexy

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5. Fave Mega/Dyna/Giga

mega gardevoir - shiny is 😳
dynamax quagsire - BIG BABY CLAP
gigamax snorlax/gengar - i mean cmon fave pokemon

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5) I wish mega gardevoir can come back to newer gens, or through dlc T_T
Mega evolutions were the best

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Thanks for the opportunity! This is Evie~ She enjoys her fairy Pokemon, Gardevoir,Eevee, and her Sylveon! She usually like to have different typing as well but these just happen to be close favorites.

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5- Favorite Mega

Mega Gardevoir shiny e Mega Scizor chegam perto mas NOSSA SENHORA QUE PERFEIÇAO É ESSA MEGA MAWILE

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25. i like a lot of shinies but shiny mega gardevoir is the most katyacore of them all

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My first ever Pokémon game was Sapphire and my most beloved Pokémon friend was Rafiel the Ralts. Every game that Gardevoir is available, I make sure to adventure with him once again. I’m looking forward to seeing the Paldea region with him! ❤️

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