me? in love with 's zagthan fusion oc Phanes? it's more likely than you think !! 💫

go read the fic. do it. 🔪🩸

25 74

Ano passado a Band exibia Tokusatsus aos domingo e gerou um hype bem legal, mas no fim deu ruim. Essa Ahanes foi resultado desse hype!

0 3

☁️ : : o quão parecide você é com os personagens airbenders de avatar?

- a thread

(créditos da fanart: @ ShaneSandulak)

4 20

Rob Hanes Adventures Flashes Back to World War II in Search of Nazi Gold
Inkpot Award Winner releases new issue for Comic-Con 2021

Available at the WCG Comics virtual booth at the Comic-Con edition of the 2021 San Diego Comic-Con: the

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i wish i had the money to cosplay i wanna make/wear shooting star warrior yohanes outfit so bad. or at least make the hat

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOHANE Again im bad at this but just..she means so much to me i love her so so much and yeaj..happy bday my angel ily
here's some yohanes i did in the past woo

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Stardew is all I think about anymore. There is only stardew. Nothing but stardew.

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T-Shirt idea: just this custom printed on a black Hanes t-shirt

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'Mae’n deall o brofiad nad peth niwtral mo cymuned. Gall garcharu yn ogystal â grymuso'

Adolygiad o gofiant yr hanesydd rhywioldeb a chymdeithasegydd, Jeffrey Weeks -'Between Worlds: A queer boy from the Valleys'.


8 14

Commission YCH for Xenophanes-777

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"Dionysus is Protogonos (First-born), like Shiva, who is Prathamaja (First-born). He is also Bhaskara (Luminous), or Phanes (He who illuminates). The one who teaches unity of all is Shiva (Benevolent) or Meilichios (the Benevolent)."
- Trad. of Shiva & Dionysus, Alain Daniélou

7 43

and when kohanes focus card looks like this bc summer music festival event

0 35

Wedi addo y byddwch chi'n prynu The Birds of Wales ond heb ei archebu eto? Wel, mae angen i chi ei archebu cyn 30 Meh i safio £20 oddi ar bris y clawr.

Wedi'i gyhoeddi gan CAC/ mae’n grynodeb pwysig o hanes a chyflwr poblogaethau ein hadar.

7 11

ffordd dda i ddechrau llyfr, ond oeddech chi’n gwybod fod ymchwil ein gwyddonwyr yn aml yn dechrau gyda llyfrau o’r anhygoel ry?

Mae Llyfrgell Willoughby Gardner yn cynnwys llyfrau hanes natur sy’n dyddio’n ôl i’r 16eg ganrif

1 3


Wedi'i gyhoeddi gan CAC/ mae The Birds of Wales yn grynodeb pwysig o hanes a chyflwr poblogaethau ein hadar. Yn hawdd ei ddarllen, mae’n llawn lluniau hardd hefyd.

Archebwch cyn 30 Mehefin i arbed £20 ar bris y clawr

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