Thank you guys for hanging out with me while I finished working on my promo poster. I will officially have this available everywhere on December 1st.

Team Hexagon went to while she makes some great emotes. More stream to come on Friday at 4pm EST.

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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

El Aumento | Hexagrama 42

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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

El Clan | Hexagrama 37

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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

Lo Adherente | Hexagrama 30

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I am liking this twitter hexagon profile picture news , they really give you an identity. Sure you could right click save it , but twitter won't show it in hexagon.

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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

El Entusiasmo | Hexagrama 16

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Thanks, everyone for hanging with me while I worked on my illustration piece and my comic. Shoutouts to and for the supporting raid.

Team Hexagon went to while she works on fan art. More stream to come on Monday at 4pm EST.

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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

La Liberación | Hexagrama 40

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even without the context✨triangles✨are cooler than hexagons

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This deserves a celebratory backflip!
dropped by and snagged one of my animated tributes, specifically this one with hexagons
2 editions remains at 5 XTZ

catch more HEX ↙️↙️ ⬢⬡

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A very interesting development in ’s plans to verify NFT ownership via profile images opting for “hexagonal to stand out more in feeds & prompting users to alert their followers.”

Look forward to adding my & .


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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

La Verdad Interior | Hexagrama 61

1 1

Serie "De lo espiritual en el Arte"

✨ La Liberación | Hexagrama 40

Trueno y lluvia se levantan y con la tormenta se purifica la atmósfera.

1 2

You're mad at Eternals because two men kissed for maybe three seconds? Pathetic! Idiotic! Homophobic!

Get mad for a real reason:


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🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

El Influjo | Hexagrama 31

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Last chance to preorder the AllMight artbook! The full bundle comes with these holo stickers, made by , and myself respectively. Hexagon made the animation so you can see which parts shine with the holographic foil.

Link in thread!

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12/8(水)発売2作品 ジャケット公開!
「Hexagramearth -運命の糸と意図-」(Repackage Album)
「Thread of fate and intent」(LIVE DVD)
Wizard Store直販 & 全国取り扱い店舗にてご予約好評受付中!

14 35

🖌 Serie De lo Espiritual en el Arte

La Posesión de lo Grande | Hexagrama 14

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