No.2 Nifuji Hirotaka (Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii - Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku)
VA.Ito Kento

No.2(Same rate) Sakata Gintoki (Gintama)
VA.Sugita Tomokazu

No.4 Akai Shuichi (Detective Conan)
VA.Ikeda Shuichi

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[Top Men Character who girl's want to be her Boyfriend]
Manga & anime male characters ranking by

No.1 Kazehaya Shota (Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You)
VA.Namikawa Daisuke

Source :

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“Whatever path you decide to take in this life... be true to yourself.” -Yu Shi Lien, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Fearless, compassionate, and an incredible fighter. 98/100.

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“Yeah, everyone should listen to me all the time about everything.” - Rosa Diaz, Brooklyn 99. She is assertive, intimidating, fiercely loyal, and openly and proudly bisexual. 70/100.

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"If reality TV has taught us anything, it's that you can't keep people with no shame down." - Liz Lemon, 30 Rock. A self proclaimed feminist in a time when we had so few characters like her. 53/100.

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“Do I look like I drink water.” - Donna Meagle, Parks and Recreation. Never trying to please anyone, she was always herself. 51/100.

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“First rule of battle, little one: Don’t ever let them know where you are.” - Zoe, Firefly. Fearless, no-nonsense, toughest member of the crew. 50/100.

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“I’m easily worth two men. You can help too, if you like.” - Amy Pond, Doctor Who. She may be the girl who waited, but she was as always blazing her own path. 44/100.

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“We all have scars, of one kind or another." - Kira Nerys, Ds9. I’m going to see the tonight, can’t wait! 42/100.

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“So, look out world, cuz ol’ Pammy is getting’ what she wants.” - Pam Beesley, The Office. I love season 3 Pam, when she decides to be honest. 39/100.

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“Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.” -Inara, Firefly. Confident and highly respected. 31/100.

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“I believe in deeds, not words.” - Alanna. “Lioness Rampant", 12" x 18.5", Oil on Masonite. From Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce

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