画質 高画質

A remake of my art by Arashrubby (Discord)!!! I've been waiting for this hahah I'm so proud, they're such an insanely good pixel artist!

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пора режим восстанавливать и начинать что то сюда выкладывать .

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It's been a long time I haven't been on twitter.
maybe I'll start on again from nown🥰😉😆

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krill bfs, Azazel belongs to me (left) and Brutus (right) belongs to 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️

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Imagining what if home shrine I visited in Sky booth on event was really works🤣🤣 I might be sent to place I visited last time: my room🤣🤣

Repost from my insta @\de.skay 4 Aprl 2022

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Drew @/that_sky_vano 's 3D of Abyss questgiver (on insta), because I like the pose🤣
**I modified the design alot because the dress was too simple for me🤣

Repost from my insta @\de.skay 27 Mar 2022

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みんなが欲しかったリズムの究極髪より孤島のじいちゃんの髪が大好きなグラちゃんの落書き描いちゃった🤣@/gura_aaa_1229 (insta) who always choose grandpa hair than owl hair🤣

Repost from my insta @\de.skay 1 Mar 2022

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was took krill's pic for my reference, but oops.. The krill just too shy for photo, so they want a payment for it😂

Repost from my insta @\de.skay 13 Feb 2022

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was took photo of @/floradehester (on insta) when he was afk, turn out he took photo of me too when I was offline, but still left there 😂😂

Repost from my insta @\de.skay 4 Feb 2022

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