Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week. Joseph Addison

Paintings by Jacki Kellum

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Testing my screen tablet for the first time and christened it with Lila trying to - ehem, horning? lmao - Adrien in FLCL-ish way 😂

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Super Turkey Cropped - Jacki Kellum Copic Marker Sketch salvaged from her house fire. Reminds me that not all superheroes are super. Some are wrinkled and tattered and torn.

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"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" - Shakespeare

The Importance of Titles for Art in Increasing SEO

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“It was the kind of Sunday to make one ache for Monday morning.”
― Joan Didion, South and West: From a Notebook

Consider the Lilies How They Grow

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Remember that your happiness is up to YOU! You are in control 💕🌸

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Here’s an illustration of our social media specialist feeling the vibes this Sunday. Anyone else able to relate?

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