画質 高画質

Started coloring Thanatos's portrait finally!
Should be done by tomorrow!

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God of the Sea (' -`)
God of Swiftness

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Keep practicing, you'll get it eventually! (Also, there may be a reason why the House of Hades didn't have any rugs before Zag got into interior design...)

254 715

i've been thinking about this for days

3 12

Guess who rewatched Hercules recently? Bit of a style mashup, I wanted to do them more like in the movie, but I couldn't give up on the gorgeous colors so I shaded it...

104 461

I'm obsessed with the character designs in especially Artemis. I just had to do some fanart of my favorite huntress. 😍🌑🏹♀

114 413

I offer you doodles in these trying times

203 486

Finished for the collection i'm doing for

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supergiant: hey we did a little update to a few things, nothing major
also supergiant: [adds this skelly animation]

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외모와 달리 너그러운 자그레우스지만, 미노스의 황소가 꼬맹이(Short one)라고 도발할 때는 짜증스럽게 반응한다. 전투에서 이기면 "자, 이제 누가 꼬맹이지?"라고 맞받아칠 정도. 하지만 왜 그러는지는 잘 몰랐다. 그런데 어느날, 타나토스와 나란히 서 있을 때 키를 보니...

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하데스 일러스트를 보여주자 취향이 나랑은 많이 다르고 연령대도 다양한 회사 팀원들도 무슨 게임이냐며 관심을 갖는 걸 보니, 내 생각보다 훨씬 더 넓게 어필하는 비주얼이구나 싶었다.

105 83

Why did I do this? Which part of my brain told me this was a good idea? Why did I have to turn a dumb doodle into a gif?

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Little Drawing during DnD games.

I'll keep working on this between commissions.
Nyx and her sleepy son Hypnos from
Hypnos is my favorite character and I love his cheerful attitude.

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Month ago I did a birthday drawing for my friend - stickerpack. Here it is

48 124

My sister bought Hades yesterday just because of your fanart and well... Hypnos is best boy indeed.

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