BB x Catradora • Shadow Weaver is Adam PFT but got lazy to make that comparison •

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Day 76: a second art piece by Wada, it’s BB during a BB channel, and what appears to be a blond Sakura Sober or something, I don’t know I haven’t played CCC.

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Day 75: this art by Wada is very good, If I had to describe BB in it using one word it would be girlboss

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Day 73: Wada mentioned that in Passionlips final art she put a cherry where Lip’s nipple would be. This implies that Lip’s nipples are cherry sized, which is probably bigger than BB’s… look I just want to talk about Passionlip once in a while.

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Day 72: Wada also said that her “dearest wish” was Melt's butt, using the same logic I used yesterday I must conclude that Melt has a better butt than BB, or any of the Sakura five, or any Fate character Wada had ever drawn up to that point.

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Day 71: Wada said, in material V, that she made BB’s eyes large to make her cuter, I’ve never really noticed her eyes bing especially big, let’s compare them to another Wada drawn character… yep BB has bigger eyes and is much cuter.

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Day 70: BB changes into a nurse outfit during her NP, this is because she was originally a nurse A.I. It’s pretty obvous if you think about it, but it’s one of those things that flew over my head until I started paying more attention to BB

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Day 69: BB is very sexy, for evidence see the attached picture .

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Everyday I always see in my timeline. And finally today without further ado I finally bought mine. Isn't this guy looks kind of cool.

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