Today's was less painful than I expected! (though still somewhat painful).

0 32

For we did animation stills
So I chose the most "I'm not crying your crying" movie I've ever seen 😭

6 65

Quick Spiderverse study for tonight's

11 250

for today. Animation stills. This is as far as I could get.

0 42

Ps decided to crash while working on the viking one! These were so fun!

1 35

Aliens and Vikings for tonight's 1 hour each ✨

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1hr on Ripley, and 45 on Arvid from Norsemen. Wasn't feeling the second one tonight, but very happy with Ripley.

1 51

I already had this reference lined up for study today, and was eager to try my hand at it so since I did WHILE watching/listening to it counts. Right? Right?

2 39

Had to rush today, only an hour on today’s sketch. Kind of happy with it!

1 35

2h film study tonight for 🌦️☕️ had such a nice time again :))

5 56

HAHAHAHA this is so funny to me, but I'm having a blast. So wonky and free on the from today... 🖤🖤🖤

BIG SHOUT TO who did 13!!! absolute beast.

0 32

the revenant for today's study. i enjoyed making the canvas like suuuuper small (maybe zooming out to 10%?) and doing the block in

1 44


whew! This was fun! Definitely want to do more full cinematography studies.

3 70

two today, 40min on Blade Runner, 1hr15 on Attack on the Block. Realise the second one is woefully off perspective, but oh well.

1 33

I went rogue and drew Gimli even though he wasn't in the folder! (WHY PAUL) ;) I'm super proud with how he came out!

4 55

Today's was promotional photos from LOTR. I took them VERY SERIOUSLY.
~1hr each

9 146