Have a back-skipping dragon!
Organising all these lines and different types of movement resulted in quite the bit of confusion buuuut... There he is, complete with many mistakes that I’ll learn from hopefully.

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8 hours for this little baby! I’m so pleased with how he turned out!! Contemplated adding a mouse but it didn’t quite look right, so settled without. ❤️One step closer!

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This is my new character. They travel between comics pages changing dialogue, creating potholes and inserting deus ex machinas. 🙃

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I rarely animate in my free time but this was fun

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Time for another frame by frame animation practice in Procreate. 👀 Why do I want fried eggs now? 🍳

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I’m using and I’m using groups to add colors to the frames. But when I group my colors & lines, it causes everything in the group to fade??!!?! And it’s only doing it with some groups, and not others (last pic). HELP!

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