
0 11

Le hashtag (5 minutes pokemon challenge) est beaucoup trop drôle ! C'est presque de la fan-fiction à ce niveau là !

14 49

I hate it plus my pokemon knowledge from memory is just plain bad

207 650

i did the dumb 5 min pokemon challenge based on requests over on my insta....... the fella who asked for gyarados...... is2g that was the worst 5 mins and 54 seconds of my life.

69 188


1 5

donc giratina en 5 minutes avec un pc qui bugge
(checkez le hashtag, il est drôle)

12 53


0 3

レンダリング時間は別 ヒトデマン

3 7

Taking a second shot at this time with Scorbunny. Turned way creepier than I was expecting it too. Also admittedly I did cheat a bit and do materials after the timer was up so it didn't just look like some random white bunny.

400 1793


2 9


3 27