It took a bit of time to sort out details but results of raffle are here.

Congrats again to and

5 25

Drawing No.18
Drawn within 25 minutes (1x on 100x100px canvas.
I've started without any plan and just tried to figure something out while clock was running.

Try it out. :)

3 8

Drawing No.16
Drawn within 25 minutes (1x on 100x100px canvas.
I've started without any plan and just tried to figure something out while clock was running.

Try it out. :)

3 17

Here are the drawings from No.1 to No.15.

When I look at them together it seems like album covers and discography of some alternative rock band. 🙃

10 37

Drawing No.12
Drawn within 25 minutes (1x on 100x100px canvas.
I've started without any plan and just tried to figure something out while clock was running.

Try it out. :)

9 51

Drawing No.9
Drawn within 25 minutes (1 on 100x100px canvas.
I've started without any plan and just tried to figure something out while clock was running.

Try it out. :)

3 19

ADENA是一款M2E和P2E结合了像素艺术同时玩法类似于pokemon go的一款游戏,支持PC和手机端。
🎁OG x 3
🎁WL x 10
To enter: 👇
1. ❤️&🔁
2. Follow

3.Join Discord:

121 120

雨中狂睡 x Strxngers NFT giveaway


关注 + ,转发点赞本推,抽两个朋友直接空投到钱包中。

92 111

Enjoying not caring about color palettes or polish, and abusing Magic Pencil extension that made for Aseprite. Magical

8 68

【每日分享NFT艺术家DAY97】今日艺术家 是日本屡获殊荣的像素艺术家。mae的作品多是平和的风景或是日常场景,均来自个人的生活体验。他有时会收到来自不同国家观众的反馈,称mae的作品让自己回忆起童年时光景。与观众的超越语言国境的连接,是让mae不断创作的动力之一。

0 7