<Dear Benjamin> ✍🏼💌💐 [👪] spoilers
▫️EP 45▫️
(🌐: Tappytoon)


*Bang pots and pans* Felix has finally learned the truth from Isaac!! 🤸🏻‍♀️🎉🍾

I’ll miss the og art! 🥲 Hoping for good news! 😭🤞🏼

🔗 https://t.co/6vJmM0YdBs

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옆에 두놈들 실장 안시킨걸 다행이라 생각해야하나 결국 벤자민 낸걸 좆같아 해야하나 참 근데 걍 벤자민이고 지랄이고 리밋 아니라서 다행이다. 해산

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"실은 말이야, 벤자민을…."

성공적으로 끝난 아이린의 생일파티!

한편, 한밤중에 찾아온 엘빈은
벤자민에게 전해달라며 아이린에게
장미꽃을 내미는데…

이게 대체 무슨 의미지?!

웹툰 25화, 11/11(목) 22시 오픈!

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<Dear Benjamin> ✍🏼💌💐 [👪] spoilers
▫️EP 44▫️
(🌐: Tappytoon)


Felix saw the situation and the state Isaac’s in! He’s going to lose it!! Shits about to go down next ep!! The last one…💀

🔗 https://t.co/6vJmM0YdBs

2 5

<Dear Benjamin> ✍🏼💌💐 [👪] spoilers
(🌐: Tappytoon)


What the fckity fck?! This chapter’s so intense!! Felix made a hot, grand entrance!! Lmao he arrived in style!! 😎🔥

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<Dear Benjamin> ✍🏼💌💐 [👪] spoilers
▫️EP 43▫️
(🌐: Tappytoon)


Isaac’s pheromones leak out!! Cole’s started his plan! Hurry the f up, Felix!! There’s no time to look this good!! 🤣 jks

🔗 https://t.co/6vJmM0GCJU


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<Dear Benjamin> ✍🏼💌💐 [👪] spoilers
(🌐: Tappytoon)


Isaac was seething mad when he learned the truth about his father and the cause of his death! Hit him more!! When is this senior citizen going to d word?? 🤺🤬

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벤자민 녹스 표정 작업...
이제 TRPG갈때 두상 더 그릴 일 없겠다~~~

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<Dear Benjamin> ✍🏼💌💐 [👪] spoilers
▫️EP 42▫️
(🌐: Tappytoon)


Cole noticed Isaac hasn’t been marked yet by Felix so his plan is to mark Isaac!! Fark! Cole’s a feral, lunatic!! 🔫🤬

🔗 https://t.co/6vJmM0YdBs

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헐 1920조 공식 설명 탐라야?? 나두 할래 나두 나두 님들도 잘 아는 벤자민 앤더슨도 1920조 소속입니다~~~

2 14

"그러니 오늘은
아이린의 이름을 두 번만 부르실 수 있습니다."

벤자민의 견제 아닌 견제는 계속된다!
대체 왜 이렇게 우리 동생에게
관심을 갖는 겁니까?!

웹툰 22화, 10/21(목) 22시 오픈!

31 122

SD랑 LD차이봐...
근데 귀여운거 똑같음 우리 벤자민직원은 귀여우니깐

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<Dear Benjamin> ✍🏼💌💐 [👪] spoilers
▫️EP 41▫️
(🌐: Tappytoon)


I can’t deal that Cole discovered Isaac’s an omega because of a misunderstanding when Felix said Benjamin’s his son!! 🤣😭

🔗 https://t.co/6vJmM0GCJU


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<Dear Benjamin> ✍🏼💌💐 [👪] spoilers
(🌐: Tappytoon)


Cole effing forced Isaac to drink a juice that contains a neutraliser for Isaac’s inhibitors!! 🤬 And Cole is a Dominant Alpha! 😰 Hurry Felix!!

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고케종 벤자민 직원

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