210715 Fanart inspired by Yixing's hairstyles

Yixing in private & Yixing at a national conference 😃

cr. 今天也是放飞自我的蕾酱

180 442

210704 Fanart inspired by Yixing's new hairstyle

All looking gorgeous 😍

cr. P1: Nicty镜像X
P3: 力一一拔山兮气盖世x
P4: 土也不正

137 341

210704 Fanart inspired by Yixing's new hairstyle

All looking gorgeous 😍

cr. P1: Nicty镜像X
P3: 力一一拔山兮气盖世x
P4: 土也不正

153 391

210614 weibo update 1p

Happy Dragon Boat Festival~

*The "pyramid" in the pic is "Zongzi", the food that the Chinese will eat during this festival 😘

101 185

210326 Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game weibo update

Yixing will attend the 6th anniversary of Fantasy Westward Journey tonight.

116 231