New NFT, "The All-Seeing," BNB 0.02, by Dopies from the "Dopies | Daily Dope Art" collection.
Please share! Thank you!

4 18

New NFT, "The demons inside us," BNB 0.02, by Michael Garber from the "Refuge of the damned" collection.
Please share this artist's work! Thank you!

6 23

Nov 02, 2014. By: Rick95H
[2 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)

0 0

(obvious joke about the previous line goes here)

Yaoi pic I drew in 2002, wondering why I'm into that so much more than het stuff. Around that time, my mother mused I might have been happier if I'd been born as a gay man, as I just couldn't really bond with most female friends

0 1

Finally, no more sculpting.
Across Pink and Red's "Service Update" models there are a grand total of 68,991,336 polygons thanks to the multires modifiers.
Red takes the cake here though for having 36,102,676 tris.
Next up diffuse textures. AKA color time!

1 21

There were 3 sales in the last 8 minutes:

0.04 ETH ($78)
0.02 ETH ($40)
0.02 ETH ($39)

5 14

Jul 02, 2015. By: Ilac000
[298 Yeahs!] [3 replies] (EU)

0 0

Apr 02, 2015. By: manga321
[14 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"trop mignion!"

0 1

I love robot Sonics
Silver Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic Mark02, Mecha Sonic Mark01 & Metal Sonic 1.0

0 2

We are PROUD to have the support & participation of & in this year’s Annual ¡Sí Se Puede! César Chávez March & Celebration Saturday, March 25, 2023, 10am -1pm, Parque Zaragoza, 2608 Gonzales St., Austin, TX 78702, join us!

6 6

Jazz is all about taking risks, experimenting, and pushing boundaries...

Lush Life🌺 0.02, edition of 33

Enjoy it!🌹

5 15

Mar 02, 2015. By: paradis018
[4 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Hey les amis! ça faisait longtemps que l´on ne s´était pas vu! Aujourd'hui, j´ai crée un nouveau pokémon nommé Armorista!"

0 0

Jan 02, 2015. By: messie44
[29 Yeahs!] [8 replies] (EU)
"si il est beau m'été un ouais + com's pour me dire se qui aurai été mieux . "

0 0

Oh and it's how yours truly was able to experience the Transformers classic movie in 2002, the classic TF Series when the 2007 series was around and TF Animated. I even watched other Eng dubs of Yugioh and Detective Conan on there back then. S'pore had quite something back then.

0 1

Nov 02, 2014. By: Freyaiwa
[3 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"i adore vulpix x3"

0 0

Aug 02, 2015. By: Feueralia
[3 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"das ist ein "

0 0

Nov 02, 2014. By: amazonstorm
[0 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"I like how this turned out!"

0 0

New NFT, "Michael’s Friend BNB 0.02, by Michael Garber from the "Michael’s Friends" collection.
Please share this artist's work! Thank you!

3 18

Holy guacamole! MachiBigBrother just sold 26 Moonbirds for Ξ116.470 ($202,281.60)?! Who knew birds on the moon were worth so much? Can I buy a ticket to the moon with that kind of cash?

0 6



☑️再生数(13:10): 102,107,750回



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