Then lastly HAHA I still never get over it, still love him to this day.

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Ahhhhhhhhh Masunaga and Kitakado is such a cutieee pie😍😍😍

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I'll probably get roasted for this but whatever. Easily Sakura from Naruto. I always thought she was hella cute back in elementary school especially when she had her hair long.

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I just want to give Annie a hug and she is a shortie like me! Deadly, but adorable.

I see a pattern here with my crushes...

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My anime childhood crush was Yami Yugi/Atem from Yu-Gi-Oh!

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Speed was the first hand's down. Honorable mentions in order with increasingly longer hair: Nephrite, Gourry, and Raditz. (these were like the one's I can remember being like firsts/oldest)

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It was definitely a toss up between these two

Yeah I got a type

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Usui Takumi is the best boyfriend material

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And while we're on the topic... Nyanta from Log Horizon. My first and only mancrush. Maybe chalk it up to his deep voice that always meows every sentence, maybe his charming personality and diligence. Whatever the case he's a good kitty!

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I remember only watching One Piece for him. Maybe if I continued it'd be for the same reason

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This one's easy! Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagann!

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Matt was my growing up from childhood. Even up to Digimon Adventure Tri, he is still a crush of mine 😍

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