and another to show how bad I was at proportions before I figured out that using references isn't cheating!

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yo I couldn't pick a specific piece I made this year so here's 3 instead lol

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✨2009 vs 2019 art ✨

This is hella embarrasing ha ha ha.....

Apenas dibujaba de aquella y lo hacía por garabatear, acababa el instituto, me compré mi primera wacom y no tenía ni idea de qué hacía con la vida.

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First two images are from 2009(ish) last two are 2019.

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Welp, who would have thunk? Turns out I've only been drawing since 2014 😅 It's not a complete 10 years, but I've come a long way from nothing!

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For a few years after college I was suffering from some severe burnout when it came to my art, as a result I don't have any finished pieces that I can show from 2009, only this one I started then and finished in 2010.

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Kinda decade challenge featuring FF/KH lesbians

I really wanted to let loose and have fun with this since i’ve been kinda hating all my art lol

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My 2009-ish vs 2019 with my development of Jacoby Ridington. Basically went from emo-phase boy to time-travelling "Doctor" and husband.

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some 2012vs2019 because i couldn't find anything older! i started drawing "for real" in 2012, when i was 10/11

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Unfortunately, I don't have any of my art before 2014-ish. Left is from 2015 and Right is my current WIP

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I picked out one art piece from each year from 2010 to 2019 and put it together! I didn't start drawing until late 2010 so I don't have anything in 2009, sorry! u__u;;;


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i guess somewhere along the way, my health traded the ability to do rendered full-body drawings for improvement otherwise 🤪

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Well not exactly, because I left oldest things back in hometown. If you think I'm edgy, you never saw me back in the days. You'd be glad you didn't.

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2009:I was only using a mouse and openCanvas to draw most of my art,never really practice anatomy,and I hated drawing couples.

2019:I became more stricter in improving my anatomy and coloring/shading.I`m still working on it,but I`m much happier with my work

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Wow first off I had to go to DA to find the old pic because I do not have ANY pics pre 2011 😂 still drawing gross emo dogs lol

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